Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wednesday's Hodgepodge


Visit Joyce and join the fun!

1. This week's Hodgepodge lands on Ash Wednesday which signals the beginning of Lent. Do you mark this season in some way? If so tell us more. Did you grow up 'celebrating' Lent? Is attending church part of your weekly routine? Are churches open for in-person worship where you live? 

No, I don't do anything special for Lent.  I grew up celebrating Lent which meant getting ashes on Ash Wednesday and picking something to give up which would be hard to do, like chocolate or something.  I no longer do that as I am no longer Catholic.  Yes attending church is part of my weekly routine.  Our church is open for in-person worship although there are certain restrictions in place.  The service is also livestreamed for those who are not comfortable meeting in person yet.  

2. When is the last time you sat beside a 'real' fire? Do you have a fireplace in your home? Wood or gas logs? Favorite thing cooked over a fire? 

Best I can remember it was last summer.  We do not have a fireplace.  Marshmallows are my favorite thing to cook over a fire (and the only thing I eat from over a fire).  

3. Something that's currently got you fired up? 

I was fired up over something yesterday.  Probably shouldn't say too much about it.  Let's just say I don't like when people don't follow simple rules.  

4. February also happens to be National Cabbage Day. Who knew? Do you like cabbage? Is cabbage on your menu Wednesday? Of the following cabbage dishes which is your favorite-coleslaw (mayo or vinegar?), sauerkraut, cabbage rolls, cabbage soup, kielbasa and cabbage, grilled cabbage, bubble and squeak, kimchi, or haluski? 

Cabbage is okay.  It is rarely on my menu.  Sometimes for St. Patrick's Day and once in a blue moon I will make coleslaw or sauerkraut.  Coleslaw with mayo is my favorite.  I like sauerkraut on hot dogs or with kielbasa.  I haven't had any of these in a long time and probably won't anytime soon since I am watching what I eat.  

5. Do you hang on to pennies? What do you do with them? Last thing you purchased for $1.00? Last thing you purchased for $5.00? 

I rarely use cash anymore but I still have coins in the holders in my car and in a jar on my dresser.  My wallet was so heavy from all the coins in it but recently a girl at church was collecting spare change for a local crisis pregnancy center.  I was happy to donate and I couldn't believe how light my wallet was after that.  The last thing I purchased for $1.oo was a Valentine's Day card at Dollar Tree.  Dollar Tree now has Hallmark and Dayspring cards!  The last thing for $5.00 was this candle holder for Easter.  It was on sale at Kohl's and I had an additional 30% off.  It came to $5.03 plus tax.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Today is my son's 16th birthday.  He wouldn't like it if I posted a picture of him so I will post a picture of the comic book line he created.  This is his most recent work, a stand alone 80 page graphic novel.    So proud of him!  
Happy Birthday Noah! 


  1. Well, how impressive for your son. That's quiet an accomplishment! I hear you on folks following rules. Good grief, how hard can it be! It gets me fired up too.

  2. Wow! That is so cool that your son has done that. Happy 16th Birthday to him!

  3. Wow that comic book is impressive! Happy birthday to your son! I try to keep a few coins in my car as occasionally I (accidentally) go through a toll here that is change only. I never intentionally take this particular highway but sometimes land there by mistake. I'm wishing I had some sauerkraut on the menu tonite. I've read eating a TBLSP a day is great for your immune system and digestion. Have a happy Wednesday!

  4. Happy birthday to your 16 year old! What an accomplishment for him to produce that graphic novel! Hope the rest of your week is good!

  5. What an amazingly talented son you have. I do hope he enjoyed celebrating his 16th birthday. We had coleslaw with dinner last night and my husband makes the best. We also use cabbage in some of our soups. It cooks down and you never know its there except for feeling healthier after eating it. LOL!

  6. Hi,
    High Fives and Birthday greetings to your son. That is awesome work with his novel.
    I love a good coleslaw. :-)
    Enjoy your new week.


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