Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

 Visit Joyce and join the fun!

1. When did someone last suggest you 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell someone (or want to tell someone) to 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell yourself to 'chill out'?

Just the other day I told my son to “chill out”.  He was excited about something and I wasn’t ready at that moment.  It sounded so funny!  I haven’t heard that saying in a long time and it made me laugh.  The kids thought it was funny too. 

2. What most recently caused your heart to melt?

Yesterday my son and daughter were playing together in the snow.  Seeing their smiles and thinking of how well they get along just melts my heart. 

3.  "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton  

Your thoughts? When did you last experience either an adventure or an inconvenience? How did you see it at first, as an adventure or an inconvenience?  Does it feel the same in hindsight?

I get excited when I hear that snow is in the forecast, so when the blizzard warning came this week I was happy.  I know some don’t like being snowed in but I think of it as an adventure. 

4.  A Wendy's Frosty, root beer in a frosty mug, or a frosted chocolate cupcake...of these three, which one is your favorite 'frosty' treat?

I’d love a Wendy’s Frosty but since I am dairy free now I’d say a root beer in a frosty mug.  I don’t drink soda often but when I do I love it over lots of ice.  And you can’t go wrong with root beer. 

5. Would you say your life so far this year has been more like a circus or a symphony? Explain why.

I’d say a symphony.  There are many little details each day that work together to take care of a family and a home. 

6. Since it's a 'snow day' here, what's your favorite song containing the word 'white'?
“What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong.  We requested that be the last song played at our wedding reception.  

I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.”

7. If you had to leave the city you currently live in, what would you find the hardest to leave behind?

The beautiful beaches we have.  I love going to the beach year round.  There is just something about staring out at the water and seeing God’s awesome creation.  Here is a view of the beach from one of our favorite sledding spots taken last year.  The land to the north is Connecticut.  

8. Insert your own random thought here.

We have about 20 inches of snow here, plenty for sledding and fun! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

                                                           Visit Joyce and join the fun!

1. American Idol is back for a 14th season. Are you watching? Have you ever watched? If you were to audition for the show (or were made to audition), what song would you sing?

Yes, I am watching American Idol and think it is off to a great start.  There seems to be a lot of talent so far.  I've been watching for several years, I think since Season 3.  Well, I would never choose to audition but if I absolutely had to I'd attempt to sing something by James Taylor.  Classic, yet simple. 

2.  Mark Twain is quoted as saying, "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first." 
So when did you last have to 'eat a frog'? Or two? How'd that work out? 
Does taking down my Christmas tree count?  It took me a bit to get started but once I did it went quickly.  

3. If you were going on safari, what is the number one animal you'd want to see?

I'd look for giraffes on a safari.  Such amazing creatures and unique.  Last year while on vacation in Florida we went to a drive through safari. Here is a picture taken from our car.  

4. January 21st is National Granola Bar Day. I know. Do you like granola bars? Chewy or crunchy? Your favorite flavor? How about regular granola? Let's exhaust this topic in honor of the holiday okay?

I like granola bars although I don't eat them often.  I like chocolate chip chewy ones or oats and honey crunchy ones.  I like regular granola on yogurt but usually only have it when traveling.  It's simple and relatively healthy so that makes up for all the other eating that happens on vacation, right?

5. If only__________________________________________.

It would snow already.  I've had a headache for a couple of days and I'm hoping once it snows the pressure will be relieved.  Barometric pressure changes give me headaches. 

6. You can add one item to your bedroom. What will it be? Keep it family friendly please.

A flat screen TV.  A few years ago I took the TV out of our bedroom because it was cluttering it up.  But now I'm thinking a nice flat screen on the wall would be nice.  I got out of the habit of falling asleep to the TV (thankfully), but sometimes it would be nice, especially when I'm not feeling well and want to lay down. 

7. What is one thing you've enjoyed about winter thus far? If it's not winter in your corner of the globe, what season is it, and what is something you've enjoyed about whatever season it happens to be?
I've enjoyed staying home on cold nights and watching TV with the glow of the Christmas tree.  We finally took our tree down tonight and now I'm deciding on which way I like the furniture arranged.  It always looks so strange when the tree first comes down.  I'm hoping for a nice snowfall but so far just a few flakes here and there. 
8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Sorry about the messy post today.  There seems to be some issues with formatting.  I'll see if I can figure it out later.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

 Visit Joyce and join the fun!

1. What's your best piece of advice for a newly married couple? I'm asking for a friend.

I'd have to say it was advice given to us on our wedding day from our pastor.  He said, "Aside from your relationship with God, your relationship with your husband/wife is the most important relationship in your life."  I'd add, take time to nourish it and remember all the reasons you said yes to your spouse, every single day.  

2. Before we're too far into the new year I wanted to post a question Teresa submitted during the December giveaway. Teresa blogs over at Being Refined As Silver, so everyone go say hi.

Teresa asks, "What were you doing on December 31st, 1999?"and "Did you or your family make preparations for Y2K?"
Thank you Joyce for including my question :)  I was still single in 1999 and think that played a part in my preparations or lack thereof.  I wasn't concerned about food or water but do think I took out some cash from the ATM, just in case.   I don't remember exactly what I was doing but am sure I was celebrating with my husband, who was my boyfriend then.   

3. According to Global Language Monitor, the most used word of 2014 isn't a word. It's the heart emoji. Huh? How can something that's not a word be the most used word, but I digress. What do you think was your most used word in 2014?
I didn't know so I asked my family.  They said "straighten up" and then I reminded them it is supposed to be one word so they changed it to "straighten".  Some examples they gave were "straighten up", "I straightened the car, your desk, the house", and "straighten your room!".  I guess that's pretty funny.  I'd insert a heart emoji if I knew how- LOL.  
4. Speaking of words, it's that time again. Time for Lake Superior University to present a list of words they'd like to see banished (for over-use, mis-use, and general uselessness) in 2015. You can read more about the decision making process here, but this year's top vote getters are-

bae (before anyone else), polar vortex, hack, skill set, swag, foodie, curate/curated, friend-raising, enhanced interrogation, cra-cra (as in crazy), takeaway, and -nation (a suffering sports suffix).

Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?

I'd say swag, unless it was being used to define a curtain valance.  It just sounds silly to me.

5.  January is National Hot Tea month? Are you a fan? Do you like flavored teas? How do you take your tea? Have a favorite cup or teapot? How many cups of tea do you consume in a given day? 

Yes, I love hot tea.  I like flavored teas but plain old black tea is my favorite.  I used to drink it with milk and sugar, then just milk and now since I am mostly dairy free I will drink it plain or with a splash of vanilla almond milk.  I also like it with just lemon and honey, especially when I am not feeling well.  I like to drink hot tea out of a china cup or mug with a saucer.  Here is my favorite (from my everyday dish set that I registered for when I was engaged):

6. Whatever happened to________________________________?

Common courtesy?  I was in the library last night and heard this loud talking.  I turned around and some lady was sitting at the computer, in the middle of the library, talking on her cell phone.  I was several feet away and could hear every word she said.  Unbelievable! 

7. What is one book on your must-read list this winter? 
"The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin.  We will be using it at our homeschool group and I like to be a step ahead of the game.  I just started it last night.  

8. Insert your own random thought here.

We are having a warm up here.  This morning it is 23 degrees.  If it's going to be this cold can we at least have some snow?! 
