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1. When did someone last suggest you 'chill
out'? Or, when did you last tell someone (or want to tell
someone) to 'chill out'? Or, when did you last tell yourself to
'chill out'?
Just the other day I told my son to “chill
out”. He was excited about something and
I wasn’t ready at that moment. It
sounded so funny! I haven’t heard that
saying in a long time and it made me laugh.
The kids thought it was funny too.
2. What most recently caused your heart to melt?
Yesterday my son and daughter were playing
together in the snow. Seeing their
smiles and thinking of how well they get along just melts my heart.
3. "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered." G.K. Chesterton
Your thoughts? When did you last experience either an adventure or an inconvenience? How did you see it at first, as an adventure or an inconvenience? Does it feel the same in hindsight?
I get excited when I hear that snow is in
the forecast, so when the blizzard warning came this week I was happy. I know some don’t like being snowed in but I
think of it as an adventure.
4. A Wendy's Frosty, root beer in a frosty mug, or a frosted chocolate cupcake...of these three, which one is your favorite 'frosty' treat?
I’d love a Wendy’s Frosty but since I am
dairy free now I’d say a root beer in a frosty mug. I don’t drink soda often but when I do I love
it over lots of ice. And you can’t go
wrong with root beer.
5. Would you say your life so far this year has been more like a circus or a symphony? Explain why.
I’d say a symphony. There are many little details each day that
work together to take care of a family and a home.
6. Since it's a 'snow day' here, what's your favorite song containing the word 'white'?
“What a Wonderful World” by Louis
Armstrong. We requested that be the last
song played at our wedding reception.
“I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.”
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.”
7. If you had to leave the city you currently live in, what would you find the hardest to leave behind?