Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day Hodgepodge

Visit Joyce and join the fun!

1. In two or three sentences tell us what Veteran's Day means to you?

For me Veteran's Day is about honoring and giving respect to those who have served and our serving our country.  It is about taking the time to think about the many sacrifices made by many to protect and serve so that we can live in the land of the free and home of the brave.

2. What's your favorite film with a patriotic theme woven into the storyline?

Top Gun.  Tom Cruise is a great actor and I don't get tired of watching this movie no matter how many times it is played on TV.

3. Flu shot-yes or no? If you answered no, do you plan to get a flu shot? If not, why not? Have you ever had the flu?

No, I have never had one and I do not plan on getting one.  I do not trust them nor want those chemicals injected into my body.  Plus they make the vaccine guessing what strain of flu will hit and it isn't always accurate.  So I use the risk vs. benefit question to make my choice.  Yes, I've had the flu although it's been some time.  I stick with the old prescription of homemade chicken soup, ginger ale, crackers and lots of rest.
4. I've seen lots of people posting pictures of their Christmas trees up and decorated. Many stores have had Christmas on display since well before Halloween. Red cups are back at Starbucks, sans the holiday decor, and that has some people up in arms. What are your thoughts on all the holiday ruckus this second week of November?

I think it is too early.  I want to be excited for Thanksgiving first.  A couple of weeks ago I went to the craft store and there were only a few shelves of fall stuff left and it was already on clearance!  Everything seems too rushed for my liking.  I love Christmas and the whole season, but for me it starts the Monday after Thanksgiving and lasts until the second week of January.  As for leaving out Merry Christmas....I do not like that one bit!

5. What 'critter' are you most afraid of encountering unexpectedly? Why that one?

Yuck, I do not like any critter but I guess I'd have to say a mouse.  They gross me out and the thought of one gives me a sick feeling in my stomach.

6. Do you like building things? What's the last thing you 'built'?

No, I don't.  It is not one of my strengths.  I do terrible with anything that comes and needs to be assembled with directions.  Thankfully my husband and son love that kind of thing so I just ask them.  The last thing I built was probably a tower of blocks when my children were small.

7. In keeping with this month's theme of gratitude...what are you most grateful for that brings beauty to your daily life?

My children.  I am so thankful I get to teach them at home and for the beauty they bring to my life.  Other things that bring beauty to my daily life right now are candles glowing and the beautiful colors of fall.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Happy Veterans Day Quotes 2015

Happy Veterans Day!