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1. Share a winter memory from your childhood.
I remember bundling up to go out to play in the snow. When we came in my mother made us go straight downstairs to the boiler room to hang up our wet clothes (so we didn't drip all over the floor). It seems like it snowed a lot when I was a kid. Now when it snows people act surprised. I don't understand that, I mean what do you expect if it is winter and you are in NY?!
2. What was on your blog this time last year? (Besides the Hodgepodge of course!) If you weren't blogging, what in the world were you doing with all that free time?
All I have on my blog for a long while is the Hodgepodge. I stopped blogging but enjoy the Hodgepodge so stuck with that.
3. Ellen Goodman is quoted as saying, 'We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...not looking for flaws, but for potential.'
Do you see more flaws or more potential in your life at the start of a new year? Have you done anything specific this month to address either one? Does the new year truly begin for you on January 1, or is there some other month of the year that feels like a fresh start and new beginning?
I start off seeing more potential but it's not long before it changes to flaws. I realize I don't do most of the things I intended to do in the new year. No, I haven't done anything to address it. Yes, for me the new year begins January 1.
4. Who's an athlete you admire or respect and why?
No one in particular comes to mind. I did see a video on the internet of a tennis player who encouraged his opponent to challenge a call, even though it meant he lost the match. I don't follow tennis so don't know who he is but that is an athlete deserving respect and admiration.
5. Do you like cream in your coffee? Whipped cream on your pumpkin pie? Cream cheese on a bagel? Sour cream on a baked potato? Cream of wheat for breakfast? Have you ever had a scone with clotted cream? Of all the creamy foods mentioned, which one sounds most appealing to you right this very minute?
Yes, I like cream in my coffee, but can't have it so instead like vanilla almond milk or coconut creamer. Yes, I like whipped cream on my pumpkin pie, even if it's made from coconut cream. Love cream cheese on a bagel, sour cream on a baked potato and cream of wheat. I'm not supposed to have milk so haven't had cream cheese or sour cream in a while. Plain Greek yogurt is a good substitute for sour cream. I'm pretty sure I've had a scone with clotted cream while I was in London, having tea at Harrod's. Right this very minute I could go for a cream cheese bagel.
6. Where were you last kept waiting for 'hours on end'? Or for what felt like hours on end? How well did you cope?
Probably when I was on the phone waiting for "the next available representative". I put it on speaker phone and get on with my business.
7. Believe it or not, when next week's Hodgepodge rolls around it will be February. Huh?!? Bid adieu here to January in seven words or less.
Thank you January for lots of snow!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Over the weekend we had a blizzard. We ended up with about 2 feet of snow. On Sunday church was cancelled because everyone was digging out. It was a beautiful sunny day and it sure felt good to be outside looking at all the beautiful, freshly fallen snow. A couple of days later the kids were in the backyard building a snowman and I was watching from the kitchen window. I saw about four deer right behind them in the woods. It was so neat to see. God's creation is amazing!