Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

I am linking up today for Wednesday Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce.

1. What is one piece of advice you would give a 'just turning' 21- year old adult?

Remember that whatever decision you make, you will always remember it for the rest of your life. So while you think you are all grown, remember that you will always need the advice of those older and wiser than you.

2. Besides cooler weather (or warmer weather, depending on your hemisphere) what is one thing you are looking forward to this fall?

Apple picking. I love driving out on the North Fork of Long Island. We go apple picking, stop at the farm stands and buy Mums and enjoy the crisp air.

3. What sound lulls you to sleep?

The air conditioner. If it is too cold for that then the air purifier. I have trouble falling asleep in complete silence.

4. September is National Preparedness Month...does your family have an emergency 'kit' and/or disaster plan in place?

Considering we just needed one for Irene, I would say yes. I have flashlights and candles and we always have lots of food in the pantry. One thing I would like is a generator. I will have to keep my eye out for a sale.

5. How has your blog changed since you started blogging? Or has it?

I don't think it has changed much.

6. What's something you've recently learned to do on the computer?

Unfortunately I haven't learned anything new recently. But since blogging I have learned to include pictures in my post (although I seldom do), and change my background (which I will be doing soon for fall).

7. Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate.

I recently saw a picture of myself and it told me that I need to lose weight!

8. Insert your own random here.

We usually have pretty quiet weather here on Long Island, but in one week we felt the effects of an earthquake and a tropical storm. I wonder if this winter there will be a lot more blizzards.


  1. I really hope no blizzards this winter.
    And if you see a good sale on a generator - let me know please.

  2. I hope their won't be more blizzards for you (or me!!). So glad you are ok!
    I am looking forward to apples too =)
    Have a great weekend!!

  3. #7 made me LOL! Mine has told me the same thing. Sigh. If only it was as easy to lose it as it is to gain it :/

  4. mmm yes we should always be learning, and apple picking is my favorite!


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