Monday, July 16, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... it is dark out now. Today was sunny and hot. 92 is way too hot for my liking.

I am thinking... I hope my echocardiogram comes back with good results.

I am thankful for... making it through the echocardiogram today. It was hard for me to lay still for so long. Turns out there was an apprentice with the technican and of course I said I didn't mind. As a teacher I often took student teachers knowing the real way to learn was through experience.

From the learning rooms... we are on summer vacation.

From the kitchen... grilled sweet Italian sausage with sauteed green peppers and onions on fresh Italian bread from the bakery- YUM!

I am wearing... coral striped capri pajama pants with a coral top.

I am going... to see my friend Jen who moved to NC next week :)

I am reading... the Bible, "Lies Women Believe".

I am hearing... the air conditioner.

One of my favorite things: McDonalds coffee. I know it isn't good to promote fast food but really a large coffee for $1! My new favorite treat.

Click here to visit Peggy and The Simple Women's Daybook


  1. Hoping your Echo comes back clear.

  2. Hi Theresa, So happy to meet you. Guess what? I love Mickey's coffee too! LOL when I read that entry on today's post. Hugz!

  3. I like your new picture : ) I can't wait to see you either!

  4. Hi, dear friend! I'm praying for you today, that you could good results from those tests!! And hoping that it cools down for you (it got up to 100 here today... hot! hot! hot!).

  5. I partner with you in that your results will be positive! Blessings

  6. So hoping you get good results too. And, I'm with you on McDonald's coffee. They know me by name at our local McDonald's and they know my order without my saying a thing, "one regular coffee with two creams." Delis....



Thank you for visiting. Please let me know you stopped by so I can be sure to come visit you. ~Theresa