Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

I'm linking up over at Joyce's today.  Visit her and join the fun!
1. In what ways do you indulge yourself?

I don't think I do often but every so often I will treat myself to a coffee out.  I don't think it makes much sense to spend $3 on a coffee when I can make several pots for that price, so for me it is an indulgence.

2. Have you ever taken a cooking class? Any interest? What type of class would you most like to try?

No, I have never taken a cooking class.  I don't really have an interest in taking one although if I had to I would pick a cake decorating class.  Does that count?

3. What does it mean to be a good citizen?

A good citizen follows the law and looks out for others.  They realize they are part of a community and see what they can do for the good of that community. 

4. 'Tis the season of the political these ads influence your vote?

I don't think they influence my vote because to be honest there are so many of them it is hard to believe any of them. 

5. What's something you see today that makes you wish you were a kid again?

I tried not to come up with a technology related question but...I have to say texting.  I don't text as an adult but I am sure it makes things easier for a kid.  I remember as a kid trying to call my friends on the phone.  If the phone was busy it was so annoying.  There was no call waiting back then and the only way to get through was to call the operator and ask her to make an emergency break-through.  Then you prayed that it was your friend on the phone and not her parents.  I realize that not being able to get in touch with your friend for fifteen minutes isn't really such a big deal, but when you are a kid it sure feels like it. 

6. What's your least favorite cliche?

"Pardon my French".  Well usually that is followed by the offensive language.  So my thought is if one can think enough to say "Pardon my French" then one can think enough to choose a better way of expressing yourself.  If it is said after the offending words, what is French about it anyway?

7. What percentage of your Christmas shopping has been completed? How does that make you feel?

Zero.  That makes me feel great.  I don't do my Christmas shopping until December, and often it is the week before Christmas.  I like to enjoy each season without thinking too much of the next season.  For now I think about Thanksgiving, after that I start thinking more about Christmas.  If I do see something I'd like to buy for a gift I always think I may get a better price if I wait. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.   Way to go- to all those who have started their Christmas shopping.  I know for many that is how they work best.  Plus I now I have some cliches on my mind- LOL. 


  1. I don't think there are too many hodgepodgers out there who have done much, if any, shopping yet! we're of the same mind-set as you: the closer you get to Christmas, the more things will be on sale and the better deals you get!

  2. Oh I took a cake decorating class when my oldest were was so much fun and then they had wonderful birthday cakes, but I haven't decorated like that in years

    Oh "excuse my French"...agree with you

    Christmas shopping...well hubby has to have a job first I am not buying gifts when we don't have income...LOL

    fun post...blessings to you and your!!!

  3. I agree that buying coffee outside the home is indulgence. I think cake decorating would be a lot of fun! Now you picked a good one with Pardon my French. I totally forgot about that one.

  4. I love your cliche and agree with you 100%. I say I've done most of my Christmas shopping and I have, but it's mostly gift cards and things for the Grans. Our kids get mostly gift cards and money any more and it's not difficult shopping at all. That's what they want and that is fine with us.

    I think about the price of coffee every time I want to order following a meal when we have eaten out and I always decide to pass. It's really the same way with a glass of tea. Most places it's at least $2 and I can make enough tea for a week for that price.

    Happy Fall!

  5. I agree with the "pardon my French" statement. I have no idea what that means!

    And I am sad to say I have 100% of my Christmas shopping done. I love, love, love shopping for others and I always get done way too soon. And now I have to wait two months to give them their gifts. And I have to stop shopping. Ha!

  6. I so remember the busy signal and the world crashing down until you got through to your friend! However did we survive? :)

  7. Ah, the busy signal. I rarely do any shopping before December, but this year we'll be seeing my inlaws in early November so I'd like to take their gifts with me to avoid mailing. Not sure I'll manage it, but I'm going to try : )


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