Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Challenge- Week Four


Well I still try to keep the candle burning at home.  My hot cider candle is half way gone so I have been enjoying this part.  I must admit not so much the music part.  I don’t know what it is, but I haven’t really been doing this.  I love music and like to listen to it when I am getting dinner ready, but other than that I don’t really play it.  We sing hymns together at bedtime and I sing to myself throughout the day.  I guess everyone is different.  For me to be playing music during our school day is a distraction.

I loved the decluttering challenge last week.  I cleaned out the three drawer cart with school supplies, organized my baskets and went through a couple of drawers that have become dumping grounds.  I know I said last week I would post pictures.  I am working on it.  I am not good at posting pictures.  For some reason it takes me so long to upload photos.  This morning I tried taking some more photos and my batteries went dead.  Go figure! 

Here is Courtney’s Challenge for this week: 
Keep your candle going, the music playing, and add some tender moments with your family. Have a pillow party in the family room and get out every blanket and pillow in the house and be cozy with the kids or your hubby! Even if you live alone you can do this. Enjoy a cozy evening of hot cider and caramel corn. Give a 5 minute back rub to every single person in your house...and for a double challenge- try to give one every day to each family member! During your tender moment with the family, ask them how they feel about this challenge. Are they enjoying it? Is it helpful? Is there anything they would change. Give your family listening ears.



  1. Organization makes me feel so accomplished! I hope it did that for you too.
    Great advice about spending tine together!

  2. Great work last week with all that decluttering!

    I hope this weeks goes as well.

    Your GMG sister,

  3. Oh this will be easy...all nine of us will be here tomorrow night for "cast signing" party...all older siblings to sign 4 year olds cast!
    My candle is half gone also, music, doing that...classical during school hours and started listening to classical through the peaceful, clutter...well working on I get rid of my "excuses"


  4. Great job on decluttering! :) I'm excited about this week! our music has to be something instrumental or very background. :)

    Have a great week, GMG friend! :)

  5. I'm so glad you are doing this challenge- it seems like it has been so good for you- & it's a great reminder to me to use some/all of those suggestions too!! Oh, how there are drawers that need to be decluttered in our house!

  6. You make me so happy =0)
    I have an award for you over on my blog!!


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