Thursday, June 30, 2011
Truth For Thursday
Today we will review Chapter 5 : "Womanly Dominion In The New Testament". I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this :)
Chanski gives us four examples of women who took dominion in the New Testament. This week we will look at the fourth, Priscilla.
Paul writes in the book of Romans, "Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. Likewise greet the church that is in their house." Romans 6:3-5
Notice that Priscilla's name is listed before her husband's. Her name is also listed before her husband's in Acts 18:18: "So then Paul remained there a good while. Then he took leave of the breathren and sailed for Syria, and Priscilla and Aquila were with him."
Chanski writes, "Why this repeated sequential priority of the wife Priscilla before her husband Aquila?" Jacob Kapp writes:"The fact that Priscilla's name it mentioned several times before that of her husband has called forth a number of conjectures. The best explanation seems to be that she was the stronger character." (page 93).
In Acts 18:24-28 we read about an encounter with a man named Apollos. It seems that Apollos needed to be explained the things of the Lord more accurately. Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and did this. Chanski writes "It seems quite clear that the wife-before-the-husband name order intimates that it was Priscilla who took the verbal lead in sharpening Apollos' sword." (page 94).
"This Priscilla is a wonderful and amazing woman. The Apostle Paul, who instructs women to "keep silent in the churches (1 Corinthians 14:34), and to "be subject to your own husbands" (Ephesians 5:22). commendable recognizes her rich deposit of grace, wisdom and gift by granting her priority treatment over her husband in the Romans 16 parade of the saints" (Chanski, page 94).
Priscilla was a woman of dominion who subdued and ruled in her feminine sphere of influence (Chanski, page 95). How can woman today do the same?
Truth for Thursday
Monday, June 27, 2011
Outside my window... it is a beautiful summer day- sunny, not too humid and in the high 70s.
I am thinking... I hope we finish our schoolwork this week.
I am thankful for... Air conditioning.
From the learning rooms... Decimals, Black Beauty, History.
From the kitchen... turkey and cheese sandwich and grapes.
I am wearing... black bermudas and a lavender polo.
I am going... no plans this week.
I am reading... the Bible, Womanly Dominion: More than a Meek and Gentle Spirit by Mark Chanski, The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson, Beautiful in God's Eyes by Elizabeth George.
I am hearing... the air conditioning.
One of my favorite things... ice cream!
A picture for sharing...
Click here to visit Peggy and The Simple Women's Daybook
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Truth for Thursday
Today we will review Chapter 5 : "Womanly Dominion In The New Testament". I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this :)
Chanski gives us four examples of women who took dominion in the New Testament. This week we will look at the third, Phoebe.
In Romans 16, Paul describes Phoebe as a servant in the church and that she had been a helper to many, himself included. "She was probably the courier carrying Paul's epistle to the Romans, traveling from Corinth to Rome" (Chanski, page 90). Based on her background, being named after a pagan moon godess, it is almost certain that she was an idolater, who had been adopted into the family of God. Now converted she was a mighty servant in the kingdom of God. She provided lodging, hospitality, and used her wealth to extend the kingdom (Chanski, page 90).
Paul did not descibe Phoebe as a leader, elder, or overseer. Instead he describes her as a "servant of the church. "This term identifies her as "helper", "attendent", "one who waits on tables". Was this term used by the apostle as an expression of chauvinistic degradaton toward this precious female saint? To the contrary, this term was selected to give Phoebe the ultimate commendation!" (Chanski, page 92).
Chanski writes, "Dear ladies, beware of worldly feminism and its perversions which brazenly shout into the doors and windows of the modern church that biblical church order is abusive to women and that any restictions from leadership are demeaning" (page 92). Let's serve the church like Phoebe!
Truth for Thursday
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday's Hodgepodge
I am linking up today for Wednesday Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce.
1. Summer's here-whoohoo! What's your favorite sight, sound, AND smell associated with summer?
Sight- fireworks in the night sky on 4th of July
Sound- ocean waves crashing on the shore
Smell- a fire for toasting marshmellows
2. Fireflies or lightning bugs...what are they called in your neck of the woods?
Lightning bugs. The kids were catching the first ones of the season last night.
3. What is something in the past week that reminded you of your childhood?
Visiting the neighborhood where I grew up yesterday. We drove past my best friend's old house and visited my sister and her family at the house I grew up in.
4. Define 'the good life'.
Knowing God and trusting His plan for your life. One day hearing "Well done, good and faithful servant".
5. Tell us what we'd see if you took a snapshot of your desk/workspace.
I don't have a desk. I use my laptop as I sit on my couch in the living room. Right now you would see a mason jar of water, the cordless phone, and the Lands' End summer sale book that came in the mail today.
6. Peaches or watermelon? Yes, you have to choose.
Watermelon! One of the best tastes of summer. Has to be ice cold though.
7. Ever been skinny dippin'? Is that too much for the Wednesday Hodgepodge? Rest assured we won't need details...unless of course you feel you must but keep in mind this is a family friendly blog so keep it G rated please.
No. End of story.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I was reading "Ministry of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson this morning and something she wrote really struck a cord with me. "What He has called us to do He will give us the ability to complete" (Clarkson, page 76). Isn't that such an encouraging thought? Love it!
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Monday, June 20, 2011
Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window... it is dark now. Today was a beautiful day- in the 70s, sunny with a slight breeze.
I am thinking... I need to get the kids to bed!
I am thankful for... a nice day yesterday celebrating Father's Day.
From the learning rooms... U.S. Geography, Fractions, Birds.
From the kitchen... we had breakfast for dinner tonight. Pancakes and sausage :)
I am wearing... light brown capris and a pinkish redish v-neck.
I am going... to maybe have a yard sale this week. That is if I can get the energy to go through some more stuff this week while finishing up school.
I am reading... the Bible, Womanly Dominion: More than a Meek and Gentle Spirit by Mark Chanski, The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson, Beautiful in God's Eyes by Elizabeth George.
I am hearing... Andy Griffith on TV.
One of my favorite things... vanilla creamer in my decaf. coffee. CoffeeMate just came out with a natural one that is really good.
A picture for sharing...
Click here to visit Peggy and The Simple Women's Daybook
Simple Woman's Daybook
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Wednesday's Hodgepodge
I am linking up today for Wednesday Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce.
1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have one let's pretend you do.
I have to admit I had to Google bucket list to see what it was. I can't think of anything. I just want to live my life being the person God created me to be.
2. What makes a good dad?
A good dad takes the time to be the leader in his home. He teaches his children the Word of God and lives out its' principles. He spends time with the children and does fun things. His children know that he is always there for them.
3. Are you afraid of insects? Which ones?
Yuck! I do not like insects! I don't know if I am afraid of them but I do know they gross me out!
4. We're barbecuing...what's on the grill at your house?
London Broil, hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, sausage. Those are the regulars here.
5. Do you believe playing is more important than winning?
Hmmm. Not really sure. I think we should play with the desire to win. God's Word tells us that whatever we do we should do with all of our might. If we have done that we are winners :)
6. Do you tan? Use self tanners? Visit tanning salons? See your dermatologist at least once a year?
Not anymore. I still do like to get a little color but don't purposely lay in the sun with baby oil on. Oops, yes I used to do that! I don't use self tanners as I would probably be a streaky mess. I have gone to tanning salons when I was younger (and dumber) but couldn't stand the top of the bed closing over me.
7. Five years ago I would never imagine that today I would...
Be blogging. I don't think I even knew what blogging was! I have met a wonderful group of friends through it and still can't believe how connected I feel to them.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I can't wait to finish up school with my kids. Another week or so and we will be on summer break :)
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Monday, June 13, 2011
Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window... it is dark out. The temperature has come down a bit- it is in the 60s tonight.
I am thinking... almost time for bed.
I am thankful for... a pantry and refrigerator full of food.
From the learning rooms... U.S. Geography, Science, Division, Black Beauty.
From the kitchen... baked chicken cutlets and broccoli for dinner tonight.
I am wearing... khaki bermuda's and a coral shirt.
I am going... no special plans this week.
I am reading... the Bible, Womanly Dominion: More than a Meek and Gentle Spirit by Mark Chanski, The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson.
I am hearing... the A/c running, TV.
One of my favorite things... ice water. I love really, really cold water. Plus I heard that if the water is cold it burns more calories- LOL.
A picture for sharing...
Click here to visit Peggy and The Simple Women's Daybook
Outside my window... it is dark out. The temperature has come down a bit- it is in the 60s tonight.
I am thinking... almost time for bed.
I am thankful for... a pantry and refrigerator full of food.
From the learning rooms... U.S. Geography, Science, Division, Black Beauty.
From the kitchen... baked chicken cutlets and broccoli for dinner tonight.
I am wearing... khaki bermuda's and a coral shirt.
I am going... no special plans this week.
I am reading... the Bible, Womanly Dominion: More than a Meek and Gentle Spirit by Mark Chanski, The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson.
I am hearing... the A/c running, TV.
One of my favorite things... ice water. I love really, really cold water. Plus I heard that if the water is cold it burns more calories- LOL.
A picture for sharing...
Click here to visit Peggy and The Simple Women's Daybook
Simple Woman's Daybook
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Truth for Thursday
Today we will review Chapter 5 : "Womanly Dominion In The New Testament". I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this :)
Chanski gives us four examples of women who took dominion in the New Testament. This week we will look at the second, Mary, the Sister of Martha.
We read in Luke 10:38-42 that there were two sisters Mary and Martha. Martha welcomed Jesus into her home. While He was there Mary was seated at Jesus' feet, listening to His Words. Martha was too distracted with all the preparations and seemed frustrated at the fact that she was doing all the work by herself and her sister wasn't helping. Can any of you relate? I know I can. Martha says to Jesus, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me" (verse 40). "And Jesus answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only a few things are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her' (verse 41)."
Mary chose the one thing necessary. While there were things around the house that needed to be done, she did not let those things take her away from spending time at the Lord's feet. "In the crucial area of keeping her heart, Mary refused to permit her environment to dominate her; instead, she chose to dominate her environment. She manhandled her schedule in such a way as to make time with the Lord Jesus a non-negotiable priority" (Chanski, page 87). Now that is a woman of dominion for sure!
What are some ways you can dominate your environment in order to make your time with the Lord Jesus a non-negotiable priority?
Truth for Thursday
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday
I am participating in Top Ten Tuesday hosted by Amanda. I hope to get more creative the more I participate :)
Top Ten Household Items Kids Love To Play With (and they are free)
1- Empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls
2- Empty laundry basket
3- Empty boxes
4- Blankets for making capes
5- Pots and Pans
6- Empty gallon milk containers
7- Ice cubes
8- Shaving cream
9- Feather dusters
10- Spray bottle with vinegar and water to clean the mirrors
Really, there are plenty of things for them to do all summer that don't cost a penny and can be done at home. What is your favorite?
Top Ten Tuesday
Monday, June 6, 2011
Simple Women's Daybook
Outside my window... it is a warm, sunny day with a slight breeze :) The birds are chirping; singing God's praises.
I am thinking... why am I still hungry? (I just ate a pbj and milk-whole wheat bread, natural pb and Sorrell Ridge all fruit)
I am thankful for... God's provisions. How He works out all the details out in our lives. Christians who give to bless others.
From the learning rooms... U.S. Geography, Science, Division.
From the kitchen... I baked banana chocolate chip muffins this morning. I used half whole wheat flour and a Chobani vanilla yogurt in it, so they were pretty healthy :)
I am wearing... black bermuda's and a brown floral shirt.
I am going... to acupuncture Wednesday and ladies book club on Friday.
I am reading... the Bible, Womanly Dominion: More than a Meek and Gentle Spirit by Mark Chanski, The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson.
I am hearing... the birds chirping, my husband outside talking to the neighbors.
One of my favorite things... toasted marshmellows. We have been having those a lot but I am going back to my Wednesday and Sunday only treat days.
A picture for sharing...
Taken from here. This is one of my favorite beaches. You can actually drive down this road and just look out at The Long Island Sound.
Click here to visit Peggy and The Simple Women's Daybook
Simple Woman's Daybook
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Truth for Thursday
Today we will review Chapter 5 : "Womanly Dominion In The New Testament". I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this :)
Chanski gives us four examples of women who took dominion in the New Testament. This week we will look at the first, Mary, the Lord's Biological Mother.
Mary was given the challenge of being a young unwed girl. She was visited by the angel Gabriel who told her she would bear a Son, Jesus. How did she respond? By saying, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word." Luke 1:38
"This is womanly dominion. Mary, faced with an intimidating legion of fears, difficulties, unknown dangers, and challenges, subdues them under her feet. She expressly resolves to take her stand at her assigned post as a bond servant of the Lord. 'Lord, it's not about what seems good to me, is a delight to my eyes, and is desirable to make me happy. It's about my living according to Your word.'" (Chanski, page 85).
Mary lived by the verse "My Father, not as I will, but Thy will be done." Matthew 26:39-41
Whatever challenges we are facing today... let us subdue them under our feet, seeking to live according to God's Word and His will!
Truth for Thursday
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Wednesday Hodgepodge
I am linking up today for Wednesday Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce.
1. Have you ever been to the capital of the USA-Washington DC? If so what's your favorite site? If not, what site would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?
No, but I drove through it several times. I would love to see the Cherry Blossom trees. It would be a nice educational field trip for the kids, but I have no real interest in going there.
2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single is summer the season of your dream wedding? has been a while. Probably about six years ago! No weddings on my summer calendar although my cousin is getting married in the fall. I wouldn't survive being a summer bride. I can't stand the heat. We were married Thanksgiving weekend here in NY and I still wore a cap sleeve dress.
3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?
Yum, strawberries, with whipped cream of course. I sometimes make a whole wheat strawberry shortcake that is real good.
4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?
Relaxing days with the kids. Swimming, going to the beach, Italian Ices, dinner in the backyard, fun summer days :)
5. Do you use/like the self scanner at the grocery store?
I have used it before when the lines were long and I was in a hurry. It can go smoothly or be a diaster. I try not to use it though. I am not for computers taking over real people for service.
6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.
The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated.
7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandal-your first choice for summertime?
Barefoot for sure, but when I have to wear shoes it would be flip flops hands down. I wear them for as long as I can. When I have to be dressier I choose sandals. The only time I wear sneakers (we don't call them tennis shoes here in NY) is when I am exercising, which isn't that often! My kids tease me about my flip flops as you always know when I am coming. LOL.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
We just replaced our BBQ on Monday with this one. I love it and am so happy I went with the red one. I usually stick with the basic silver and black.
Wednesday Hodgepodge
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