Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I am linking up today for Wednesday Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce.

1. Have you ever been to the capital of the USA-Washington DC? If so what's your favorite site? If not, what site would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?

No, but I drove through it several times. I would love to see the Cherry Blossom trees. It would be a nice educational field trip for the kids, but I have no real interest in going there.

2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single is summer the season of your dream wedding? has been a while. Probably about six years ago! No weddings on my summer calendar although my cousin is getting married in the fall. I wouldn't survive being a summer bride. I can't stand the heat. We were married Thanksgiving weekend here in NY and I still wore a cap sleeve dress.

3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?

Yum, strawberries, with whipped cream of course. I sometimes make a whole wheat strawberry shortcake that is real good.

4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?

Relaxing days with the kids. Swimming, going to the beach, Italian Ices, dinner in the backyard, fun summer days :)

5. Do you use/like the self scanner at the grocery store?

I have used it before when the lines were long and I was in a hurry. It can go smoothly or be a diaster. I try not to use it though. I am not for computers taking over real people for service.

6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.

The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated.

7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandal-your first choice for summertime?

Barefoot for sure, but when I have to wear shoes it would be flip flops hands down. I wear them for as long as I can. When I have to be dressier I choose sandals. The only time I wear sneakers (we don't call them tennis shoes here in NY) is when I am exercising, which isn't that often! My kids tease me about my flip flops as you always know when I am coming. LOL.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

We just replaced our BBQ on Monday with this one. I love it and am so happy I went with the red one. I usually stick with the basic silver and black.


  1. Swimming strawberries, grilling flip flops. OK count me in!

  2. My hubs would have grill envy! He'd love a new one but ours still works without too much difficulty so thats not on the list this summer.

    Have a nice day!

  3. Hope you have a great day in your hodge podge condition, giggles hugs my friend, Barbara

  4. That's cute about them knowing when you're coming. I wonder where you are in NY...I grew up near Binghamton. I live in IN now...and I miss my mountains. Sigh. Enjoyed your praise music!!

  5. We have lots in common! I love your new grill. Would you be willing to share your whole wheat strawberry shortcake recipe? =) If you would, my email is saucyapple @ hotmail dot com .

  6. i love your new bbq!!!! i love that it's red! that is so funny about the flip flops!

  7. Thanks for visiting today :)

    I'm going to be trying homeschooling out next year for my daughter. I'll have to remember your page so I can come and beg for help later ;)

  8. I would love to see the cherry trees too...I think I've missed my chance though! :)

  9. Your grill rocks!
    I love italian ices and the self scanner stinks!!
    I hear there are grocery stores in the south that the people who work there bag for you and push your cart to your car and load it up if you wan them to- I'm outta here!
    Just kidding.
    Can't leave the family!


Thank you for visiting. Please let me know you stopped by so I can be sure to come visit you. ~Theresa